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Tips for buying Tefillin Set, tips for buying mezuzahs, tips for buying a Torah scroll, tips on proper tefillin care.

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Tips for Tefillin

Tips for Buying Tefillin 1. Tefillin have three components. Listed in decreasing order of importance, they are the portions, the boxes and the straps. The straps are the least expensive component; variations between different types are negligible. It is preferable to buy leather straps at least...

Purchasing Sefer Torah

Tips for Purchasing a Torah Scroll Buying a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) is a complex, unique, extremely expensive, and sensitive process. We are here to enlighten and advise. We would be happy to talk with you in person following this brief introduction: a. Determine your budget. Remember that...

Tips for Purchasing Mezuzah (Mezuzot)

Tips for Buying Mezuzot (parchments) 1. A mezuzah is kosher only if written in accordance with the laws of halacha. It must be handwritten in ink on parchment, with all characters correctly written. This must be done by a sofer STAM who is experienced and knowledgeable in the halacha, with...

Tips on Tefillin Maintenance

Tips on Caring for Tefillin As a general rule, keep tefillin away from water and direct sunlight. Abrasions on the corners of the boxes nullifies their kashrut. Hand Tefillin Box It is permissible to cover them -“You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand.” Fasten a permanent cover...

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