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Purchasing Sefer Torah

Tips for Purchasing a Torah Scroll

Buying a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) is a complex, unique, extremely expensive, and sensitive process.
We are here to enlighten and advise.

We would be happy to talk with you in person following this brief introduction:

a. Determine your budget. Remember that in addition to the scroll itself, there are other related items, some of them essential and some merely useful. These include the mantle, the case, the wooden rollers, inscriptions, rimonim ornaments, breastplate, pointers, etc. You may also want to factor in the cost of the dedication ceremony.

b. There is a wide range in price for a Sefer Torah. Several factors contribute to this, including the size of the parchment and the height of the scroll (the taller the scroll, the heavier its weight), the writing style: Sephardic, Ashkenazi or Chassidic, or the beauty of the characters, and the sofer’s (scribe’s) expertise and reputation among others.
(It is important to remember that the taller the scroll, the heavier it weights.)

c. What occasion do you wish to commemorate? Take into
account that writing the Sefer Torah takes approximately one
It is possible to purchase a Sefer that is in the process of
being written or even a ready-made one. On the other
hand, one can order in advance. We are in contact with
numerous Sofrim.

d. It is important to know the sofer's background.  Does he
have previous experience?  Is he certified?  Can he furnish
Buying through a reliable agent can be an advantage. Through
him it is possible to obtain sample writing from several sofrim.
Even one who has no previous knowledge will notice the
variations; however, when possible, it is prudent to consult an
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e. Keep in mind when examining the crowns on the characters that letters with crowns or tags must have circles at the tip of the tag. Do not accept thin lines.

f. Proofreading: Demand in advance an agreement that the Sefer Torah be computer inspected and examined by a professional prior to payment. Computer proofreading can never be 100% reliable. Inquire into the identity of the proofreader.

g. In addition, request a disk of the Sefer, for security and inspection in case of theft.

h. Make sure that good quality parchment is used: it should be without rough or exceptionally narrow margins on top or bottom. Stipulate in your agreement that you have the prerogative to invalidate and/ or demand changing the sheet at no extra cost if it contains a large amount of corrections.

i. When a Sefer Torah is raised it can unravel at the seams. To prevent this, it is customary to glue a bit of parchment at the top and bottom of each seam. Stipulate the attachment of these stickers when ordering.

j. If you leave the last letters to be written before the dedication ceremony, the Sofer stam must be present at the ceremony. Agree at the start that the price of the Torah includes his presence.

k. Warranty: Despite inspections and proofreading, it is possible that you will find mistakes while reading from the sefer. Agree in advance how these corrections are to be implemented.

l. Although we are discussing something sacred, as with every transaction, material concerns must be dealt with and agreed upon: these include method of payment, v.a.t., and obtaining necessary permits.

m. If the Sefer Torah that you are dedicating will be presented to a shul/ beit knesset (synagogue), it is wise to formulate an agreement that will assure your continued ownership and right to remove it to another place.

n. An Ashkenazi Sefer Torah is customarily wrapped in mantles consistent with the holidays and the times. Sometimes people will dedicate a mantle to the memory of their loved ones and place it on “your” SeferSorah. Your wishes about this should be specified in an agreement between you and the shul.

o. To facilitate locating the Sefer Torah in the future, we recommend that you engrave your dedication on a silver disk fastened to the wooden rollers. In this way, changing the mantles will not deprive you of your Sefer.

We are here, Sofrei STAM with our products, ready to fulfill all facets of your religious observance in strict accordance with halacha.
Customized prices and delivery times are available.

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