ArticlesCollection of facts and photos of mezuzahs, tefillin, Torahs, etc. All described in clear easy language, divided by topic. You too can discover a wealth of knowledge. Lexicon of STAM termsTo Come.What is a Bar Mitzvah?Bar Mitzvah, what is it, why, and when? What’s it all about? What does one do on this day and what makes it so important? Is this the age of maturity and awareness? What is a bar mitzvah? What is the source of this custom? Is there an obligation to be called to the Torah on...Tefillin, Parshiyot, etc.What are tefillin? Why doesn’t the Torah specify the tefillin’s appearance and how to produce them? What distinguishes this important mitzvah, and what is its source? Why are the parshiyot (passages) on the hand tefillin written on one long single parchment and those of the head...Invalidated Tefillin, etc.What does the phrase in their proper order imply and what is its source? What does one examine, and what cannot be examined? Who is the examiner? If one has used tefillin that were invalid, what must he do? In the previous column I noted that there is no need to inspect tefillin that...Tefillin on Shabbat (Early Childhood Education)Why don't small children “lay” tefillin? Why aren't tefillin worn on Shabbatot and holidays? Why are the tefillin removed before mussaf (the additional prayer on the first day of the month) on Rosh Chodesh? At the age of 9...The Obligation to Affix a MezuzahWhich rooms require a mezuzah? Is the shul (synagogue) exempt from affixing mezuzot? What is the difference between a mezuzah abroad and a mezuzah in Israel? What constitutes a temporary dwelling that does not require a mezuzah? Why is the mitzvah of mezuzah mentioned in the Torah first in...Mezuzah Placement and BlessingWhere should the mezuzah be placed? What is the bracha for the mezuzah? When is it said? How would you characterize a “gateway” requiring affixing a mezuzah? Which is preferable- a large or a small mezuzah? ...How a Mezuzah is MadeA mezuzah is kosher only if written in accordance with the laws of halacha. It must be handwritten in ink on parchment, with all characters correctly written. This must be done by a sofer STAM who is experienced and knowledgeable in the halacha, with dedication to holy writing and the...What does Mezuzah and Tefillin Inspection Entail?What is examined and what should be examined in mezuzot and tefillin? a. The sofer must be well versed in the halachot (Jewish laws) and must articulate the bracha (blessing) “I write this for the sanctity of the...When to Check MezuzotWhen should the mezuzot be examined? Can a subsequent inspection be done independently? Is there a difference between the frequency of mezuzah inspection for a private house as opposed to public buildings? The Gemarra in Yoma 11 states; “A Mezuzah of an individual must be examined...Hebrew Midrash of Alef BetThe book Raglo Shel Gimmel The book Raglo Shel Gimmel was written many years ago by Prof. Miriam Gillis of the Carlebach Institute at Bar Ilan University. It is a compilation of midrashim (legends) by chazal (our rabbis), in their original form. Each letter is accompanied by a midrash which opens...The Hebrew AlphabetHebrew Letters- Holy Language Is there a special meaning to the order of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet? Is there an underlying principle for the letters names? Is there a basis for the shape of the letters? What is the...Letter TagsWhy are there tags and crowns on some of the letters in the Torah tefillin and mezuzot? The source for this is explained in the Gemora in Menachot chof tet: Rabbi Yehuda said in the name of Rav, "When Moshe ascended on high he found the Holy One, blessed be He, engaged in affixing...Irregular LettersWhy are some letters in sifrei Torah and mezuzot large, small, or extended? Which letters can be extended? Is it permissible to raise the tip of a lamed to the empty area in a dalet? Can the tail of a chof sofit be lowered into a tet in the line below? An example: We can find a tiny aleph in the...Root Word "Sefer"Why is it possible to purchase a Chanukah menorah-–but not a kosher mezuzah—at the local grocer’s? How many sheets, columns and words are in a sefer Torah? A sofer, sefer Torah, for kedusha (sanctifying)… Where do these words come from? A sofer STAM is a scribe, not an...![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |